What are Quote Rules?

Quote Rules in quote•hapily allow you to automate and enforce your business policies when creating quotes within HubSpot.

Quote Rules ensure that your quotes adhere to predefined business policies, such as pricing guidelines, discount limits, and customer-specific pricing strategies.

How Do Quote Rules Work?

A Quote Rule is a set of conditions and outcomes that are evaluated every time a quote is created or edited. The quote•hapily rules engine checks the quote's details against the filters or criteria specified in the rule. If the quote meets these criteria, the defined outcome is triggered.

Quote Rule conditions can be based on any data related to a quote: the Quote, Quote Line Items, Deal, Company, related Contacts, and even custom objects related to a deal.

For example, you might want to ensure that certain customers always receive a specific discount range or that certain product lines have restricted discount levels. With Quote Rules, you can set these parameters to automatically enforce such policies.

Understanding the Components of a Quote Rule

  1. Rule Name: This is the title of your rule. It should be descriptive enough to quickly convey the rule's purpose, such as "Enforce Tier 1 Pricing."

  2. Rule Description: An optional field where you can provide additional context or details about the rule, helping other users understand its purpose.

  3. Conditions: This is where you define the criteria that a quote must meet for the rule to apply. Conditions can be based on various HubSpot objects such as companies, line items, or other related fields. For example, you might set a condition to apply the rule only to quotes for customers in "Tier 1."

    • You can combine multiple conditions using logical operators like AND/OR to create complex criteria.
    • Example: A condition might state that if the customer's profile tier is "Tier 1," and the line item discount is either below 5% or above 10%, the rule should be triggered.
  4. Outcome: Once the conditions are met, the rule's outcome is executed. Possible outcomes include:

    • Require Approval: The quote is flagged for review and must be approved by a designated person before it can be sent to a customer.
    • Block: The quote may not be sent to a customer or for review in this state. The sales rep user is presented with a message explaining what needs to be changed.
    • Notify: A message is displayed on the screen, but the user may proceed with sending the quote. This is useful for broadcast messages (e.g., an ongoing promotion) or informative notices (e.g., low inventory).
    • Set Price Book: Automatically applies a specific Price Book to the quote, ensuring that the correct products are available to be added to the quote.

Example of a Quote Rule in Action

Let's say you want to enforce a pricing policy for your Tier 1 customers, ensuring they always receive a discount between 5% and 10%. You would create a rule with conditions specifying that the customer's profile tier is "Tier 1" and that the line item discount must not be less than 5% or greater than 10%. The outcome could be set to "Block," with a custom message informing the user that "Tier 1 customers must be given a 5-10% discount."


Quote Rules in quote•hapily are essential for maintaining consistency and compliance with your pricing strategies. They help prevent errors, enforce discount policies, and ensure that your sales team follows the guidelines you've established. By setting up Quote Rules, you can automate the enforcement of these policies, saving time and reducing the risk of mistakes.

For more detailed instructions on creating and managing Quote Rules, please refer to our Step-by-Step Guide on Creating Quote Rules.