How To Create Price Books In quote•hapily

Price Books allow you to tie quotes to specific product catalogs and set price and discount rules for those catalogs.

Steps to Create a Price Book

  1. Navigate to Price Books:

    • Log in to your quote•hapily account.
    • From the dashboard, select the “Price Books” tab in the top navigation bar.
  2. Create a New Price Book:

    • Click on the “+ Add Price Book” button to begin creating a new Price Book.
    • You will be directed to the Price Book creation page.
  3. Enter Price Book Details:

    • Price Book Name: Enter a name for your Price Book that clearly identifies its purpose or target audience, such as "NA Region Catalog" or "VIP Customers."
    • Price Book Description: You can optionally add a description to provide more context for the Price Book. This is useful if you have multiple Price Books and need to distinguish between them.
  4. Add Products to the Price Book:

    • After entering the general details, click on the "Products & Prices" tab.
    • Use the search bar to find products by name, product type, or SKU.
    • Check the boxes next to the products you want to include in the Price Book.
  5. Save the Price Book:
    • Once you've added all the necessary products, click the "Save" button to create the Price Book.
    • Your Price Book is now active and can be selected during the quoting process.

Price Books in HubSpot

When a Price Book is created in quote•hapily, it will automatically be added to the Price Book fields on the Product, Quote, and Deal. If you change the Price Books field on a Product, it will automatically sync to quote•hapily.

You can create workflows in HubSpot that assign HubSpot Products to Price Books by setting this field.

Creating Rules based on Price Books

You can enforce dynamic pricing rules based on the Price Book assigned to the Quote. Rules can be much more complex, but a simple example is shown below.


If your rules need to be more specific, you can include conditions that check line items' SKU, Product Type, or any other field in order to narrow the criteria.

Best Practices

  • Name Conventions: Use clear and descriptive names for your Price Books to easily identify them in your catalog.
  • Regular Updates: Periodically review and update your Price Books to ensure that pricing and product availability are current.


Creating and managing Price Books in quote•hapily allows you to offer tailored pricing to different customer segments or regions, making your sales process more flexible and efficient. By following the steps outlined above, you can set up Price Books that meet your specific business needs.